Monday, April 27, 2015

Time to pamper myself! Or maybe not just yet.

I didn't think that I would make it, but i'm finally done with my finals! Whoot whoot! I have all this freedom that I really don't know what to do with it. I mean, then again, I should be cleaning my room and doing my laundry.... but i'm sure doing those another day won't hurt :).  Now on towards my day!

For some odd reason, I couldn't sleep last night. I laid awake in bed until 4 AM until I finally passed out.  Everyone told me that it couldn't been anxiety because of my exam. I didn't think it was, until I remembered that all I could dream about was me accidentally missing the exam. =/ Not that fun. It just sucks because I tried so hard to go to bed earlier, just so I could focus 110% of my exam. But NOOOOO I ended up being drowsy and so tired that my exam paper looked like a blur to me. Oh well, I wasn't going to pass the course anyways, so I guess it wasn't THAT bad. As soon as I finished my exam, I picked up my paper, and headed home to finally get some sleep. Man... did that feel great!  3 hours of pure my bed and I was magical. It felt soooooo good to finally sleep without a care of when to wake up. Or even if I deserved that nap or not. My life without finals was off to a great start! After my amazing beauty rest (LOLS did I seriously just call it that?), I continued on with my princess treatment (to myself... obviously. Today was MY day) with an AMAZING bath. <3 This was my second time using a bath bomb, oh and can I tell you. I understand the rage about these things. They feel so damn good and ughhhh I can't even start how it makes me feel. I guess as long as you can over look the price tag, you should definitely give these a try! So this time I used "Dragon's Egg" from LUSH. This one didn't fizz as much as the one from last time =/ but I mean, this shit has shimmer in it. Thats so damn cool. So as I watch this bath bomb fizz, I realize to myself that "Damn. I'm actually done. Wow. Done with third year. Done with finals. Done with school, for the next 4 months. Just wow."

At that moment, I realized just how fast time goes by. One minute it was the start of first year. Then it was second year. And now look, it's the end of my third year. This year especially was very... eventful. Not full of the nice kinds that you want to remember, but the ones that will always stay with you no matter how many years go by. The breakup, my marks, my trust issues, my friendships, and my family have all played a large role on me, on an emotional scale. The ups and downs i've experienced were definitely like no other year. The worries that I have because of these events, still haunt me. But. Life goes on. Not everything can go your way, and chances are; it won't. But thats fine. It's life. It's all about taking all the good things and the bad things and finding out what is truly important for me to focus on. 

Oh man, shit just got real for a second! Hahaha I'm guessing writing this at 2 AM probably wasn't as great as I thought! Well anyways, my bath was so damn good and I spent the rest of the day watching TV :P. So I made sure that I spent my first day of freedom WISELY. But hey, summer's just started. :) There will be more days to come to do other things!

- TZ

P.S. If you haven't noticed, I'm going to change the layout of my blog entries a bit. The old Tina and the new Tina don't really agree on how it should look! So lets test this out for a bit.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Another fresh start

Hey guys. 

Guess it's another fresh start for me and this blog. Hahaha I know, so much for being consistent right? Yet I always manage to start this blog again a year later! Hmmm I guess this is what stress from finals does to you! Well tonight is my last night studying for my 3rd year finals, so i'll write a real post tomorrow. :) Look forward to it!

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

Well hello again! Look at the date! Wow... its been so long since i've posted something on this blog... well its the beginning of 2014! So what better time to start than now? :)

So many things have happened between the time I last posted and now.. I broke up with my boyfriend and i've started the second semester of 2nd year at university. All I can say is that these past months have been... hard...

First, breaking up with my first boyfriend. It was my first relationship, and I guess I was bound to get hurt someday but I was hoping that it would end well... you know? I tried not getting into this whole hateful EXbf/gf relationship thing... but things don't always go you're way. Although I try not to talk shit about him to other people, it doesn't seem like he's doing the same. i know i know. I could be thinking too much. But from my (not-so-reliable) resources, i keep on hearing stuff that he says and how everything is about how much of a bitch i was. It's kinda hard to believe that someone who i thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with, was like this. I KNOW. I shouldn't care! I mean we've been over LONGGGG time ago. But. I think just the fact that he was my first. So i guess it'll stay with me forever. Well anyways, enough of this depressing shit. Lesson learned. Don't go jumping into a relationship until you've known the person SUPER SUPER well. Cause... how do you know what he's really like? And what part of him is he trying to hide from you.


Second semester has been going pretty good for me so far! I mean its only been a week, but its been alrighttt  :P. I'm taking a super crazy course this semester, Biology 2290. It's a essay course and dear god... IT REALLY IS INTENSE :(. So for the first unit i have to work in a group project and FOR SOME REASON i ended up being the leader =.=. I'm not really complaining but... WHY did i accept to do that!!! I want a good mark but can i really take the extra work??? UGH and I'm one of the main researchers too cause no one else wanted to do shit in my group :(. I guess i just have to suck it up and do it! Countdown to 2 more weeks than this units done!! Cross your fingers for me! T.T Aside from this course, i can say that the rest isn't too bad! :) They all seem to be doable and interesting so i'm not THAT worried about them yet :)

Well anyways... I'll try to keep this blog thing constant (i say this everytime...) and maybe try to at least post every week or if possible (which i doubt) every day :) So see you guys soon!

P.S. I have a niece now and SHE'S super adorable <3 She was born on Nov 4th!!! <3 I love her so much although she poops so much and pukes on me LMAO :) I hope I become a great aunt that she can depend on!

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

Didn't do much today =/ I'm jobless and it's way too hot to go anywhere. So here I am just sitting at my laptop and checking out the old blogs that I used to follow and getting used to using blogger again. Man... everything's so different now! You can ACTUALLY change your background easily and this new "entry writing" layout is pretty awesome too :)

One thing I realized as I read over my entries at my old blog is that I used to be more passionate about writing. Or it could just be that I tended to exaggerated everything that happened to me. Maybe because I was just a child and I felt that I was up against the world and that those things only happened to me...just me. But I guess that's the thing about growing up, you realize how selfish and uninformed you were when you were a kid. Or that now you subconsciously limit yourself when you write. If you could read through what I used to write compared to what I write now, you would be able to see how I changed my style of writing. It's not writing everything in my mind in one sweep anymore its more "carefully" put together sentences. School really does kill you.

^Oh god, did I really just lecture you guys? Wow  o-o Reallyyy getting old now!

My boyfriend is coming over to Toronto today! We're going to Niagara Falls tomorrow so hopefully I can update you guys on some interesting stories that happen there :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2013

Hey there!! Long time no see/talk!

Anyways, a couple of days ago I stumbled across the blog I used to write on when I was in high school. Man.... I had problems, NOT like that has really changed :) And after taking a look I guess I kinda miss it? So in order to get rid of all the stress and excitement that happens to me on a daily basis, I decided to start this thing again. Hopefully I'll stick with it this time. Oh and btw, you may notice that the date says the 23rd but this is actually posted on the 24th. Well... I kinda thought about doing this just now... and I'm talking about what happened on the 23rd so..... whatever! :D

Now to finally get this blog started with the entry....

Today I spent the day with my sister and my brother-in-law with the plans of getting my hair cut. But man talk about difficulties >.>.... We literally had to start searching for salons from 11AM until 3PM when I actually got my hair cut. We started off going to China Splendid Tower (lame ass name for a building), but since I didn't book an appointment today I couldn't get a spot at the usual place.


The place where I usually get a haircut is soooooo frustrating! OK so theres been two incidents at this place but i'll sum it up in general because they're pretty much the same. I would always book an appointment ahead of time like at least a WEEK. BUT everytime freaking time I get there, A. The person would ALWAYS BE LATE and B. He ALWAYS forgets that I booked an appointment! So EVERYTIME I had to wait for AT LEAST frigging 2 hours until he  realized that I wasn't a walk-in AND he would have the nerve to tell me that I didnt' call in or I got the time wrong.... I swear if you didn't cut my hair so damn good everytime I would have left already from the poor customer service!!!.

Now back to the main point of this entry. So at 3 PM I finally managed to find a place that wasn't that busy and had a price that was decent. (We're looking at 10-20 bucks for just a cut NOT 20-40 bucks! I ain't got a job and I ain't got money to use :( ) But man.... that friggin haircut HURT SO MUCH. The hairstylist kept on using these stupid scissors that WERE NOT sharp enough so it tugged my hair everytime he used it. And good lord.... he was using that pair for MOST of my haircut. But, $15 and a nice haircut is worth the pain so I can't really complain :) Plus he spent a really really really long time cutting my hair (approximately 40 mins) since my hair was so god damn long (past the boobs) and thick. I'm asian, I can't help if my hair grows like a tree. I'm pretty sure I scared away the first hairstylist cause even though he wasn't cutting anyone's hair, he kept on telling me to wait for the other guy...hah. Although this hair cut was kinda on the expensive side because I usually pay on $9 for a haircut (yes i'm cheap, and I'm not hiding it!) but according to my sister it looks alot better than before and it feels wayy lighter than my non-cut hair. So bye bye shitty customer service guy!! Hello pain and a better haircut!

So I guess this little rant is finally over (thank god my fingers and your eyes probably hurt right now from reading all that). Yeah this one was pretty boring =/ I mean what was interesting about me getting my hair cut??? Hopefully next time my fingers glide across my keyboard because i'm in the mood to talk about the shit that happens in my life! See you later <3